What Our Clients Say

  • "My sessions with Holly have greatly improved my confidence to process and label my thoughts and emotions, step out of my social comfort circle, handle my bad days. Her sessions are well scheduled, give relevant and direct help, and are easy to follow and implement. They fit seamlessly with my busy schedule, and help me a lot with adapting to university life."


  • "Elena teaches both of my sons. I have no doubt that Elena's infectious enthusiasm and passion for learning will rub off onto my boys along with her clear belief in being the best you can be!"


  • “ACT sessions have helped me in the understanding of oneself. The past year has been a rollercoaster of events where meeting new people has ended good or bad but in the long run, ACT sessions have been a place for me to stay positive within the thoughts of negativity.”


  • ​​"I would recommend any and everyone to Elena. She is so wonderful - excellent at what she does. I give her 100/10."


  • “Holly has been doing sessions with my 6 year old son for a while now. This has greatly helped him understand his emotions, thoughts and feelings. In doing so he can now vocalise and express himself better rather than resort to a meltdown or tantrum. Holly has given us so many tools to use with him and thinks outside the box to help him help himself. With the bonus that our son absolutely loves learning from her. ”


  • "Elena has made my 7 year old’s lessons fun and she embraces his cheekiness which inspires his curiosity with manipulating words, so there is always lots of laughter! My older son has benefited from Elena’s excellent ability to understand his areas of skill and more importantly areas that need support."



lifegym founders two women


  • Academic tutoring and coaching

  • Wellbeing coaching

  • Social skills coaching

  • Life skills coaching